This is a sport I was exposed to when I was quite young. My mom started skiing when she was a teenager and introduced my dad to it after they started dating. They both really enjoyed taking a trip in the winter months to ski and eventually my sister and I were old enough to try it out. At first it wasn't fun at all because we kept falling over and we got cold and frustrated. The next couple times we actually started to get the hang of it and had fun.
We don't get to ski every year because it can get expensive to rent the gear and buy a lift ticket for the slope. Every time we do go I end up spending the entire day skiing and only stop to refuel with food and water. I would like to say I've gotten pretty good at skiing. I even taught my younger cousin how to ski when he went with us one time. My favorite part is being at the top of the mountain and getting to look out over the snowy landscape. It's very peaceful. I never want to leave.
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