My clothing style
I've never been a big fan of shopping or name brand clothes. I was more interested in playing in the woods, so as long as I could climb trees I didn't care. My mom bought my clothes and picked out my outfits for a long time. She has good fashion sense and I don't put much thought into what I wear most of the time anyway. As long as I'm comfortable it doesn't affect me dramatically, but I'm realizing I also need to feel confident with my personal style and put effort into how I appear to others. I want to change my style up, but I have so many clothes that don't fit the aesthetic I'm going for so I would need to buy a whole new wardrobe. I like earth-tones and modest clothing that is artistic and interesting. I don't know where to shop for an outfit that looks handmade without making it myself. I'll just have to learn to sew.
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