
     I fell in love with nature when I was very little. In fact my first word was "Rose", which was the name of my aunt's horse. Plants and animals have always fascinated me. I could often be found exploring the woods around my house with my younger sister and cousin. We would make up stories and games and have forts inside a grove of trees. Those are still some of my fondest childhood memories. 

    I live in the middle of the woods, in a sense. My house is built on top of a hill, surrounded by trees, along a small river we like to call "the creek". I can walk to my aunt's house and my grandmother's house without leaving our property and still be mostly covered by trees. I feel very blessed to have grown up in such a green environment. 

    I think it explains why I plan to be an Environmental Science major and why I'm going to a college so close to home. I hope to protect and enjoy the beautiful landscape my whole life. 
